The Bid Process
The NGFCP 2022 is a market-driven mechanism and follows a transparent and competitive procurement process designed to attract competent third-party investors from across the world. Flare gas is available at a price the successful investors have bid for use as fuel and/or feedstock in proven gas utilization technologies. The bidding process will be carried out using a two-stage procurement process.
The First Stage of the bidding process is a Request for Qualification (RFQ). The RFQ package will be available to parties that have registered under the programme relaunch, NGFCP 2022, through the Programme Portal:
Qualified Applicants will then be invited to proceed to the Second Stage (i.e., issuance of the Request for Proposal – RFP) of the bidding process where they will be requested to submit a detailed proposal which must be in conformity with the Request for Proposal (RFP) package requirements.

NGFCP 2022
Advertisement of programme relaunch in leading domestic and internattional publications.

Bidders' Status Validation / RFQ
Registration on the NGFCP portal, Revalidation for previous bidders. Registration is a pre-requisite to access Request for Qualification (RFQ) package from the portal.

Request For Proposal (RFP)
Applicants prequalified at the RFQ stage may access the RFP package through the portal. Applicants willing to bid shall submit through the portal, proposal for flare gas.

Bid Evaluation and Selection
The commission shall evaluate all the proposals duly submitted in accordance with the provisions and criteria published in the RFP to determine preferred bidders.